Tuesday, September 19, 2006

"Saint or Sinner" and "Salvation" touch-ups

Still lots more to do on "salvation", basically threw alot of paint over it all to bring it all together...think it's time to leave the acrylics on this one and let the oils take over...got a good feeling about it!!! Saint or sinner is pretty much leaning towards the final stage...not sure about the text on this one...it works for now though...

Monday, September 18, 2006

Smoke 'em if you got 'em

Forgot to add this maybe final stage of "smoke 'em"...the twins refer to his guns "Betty" and "Veronica"...incase you missed that :)

here kitty kitty....

Been touching up alot of my paintings this weekend. Salvation, smoke 'em and the angel guy.... Also started and finished this piece "purrr"...it's waaay smaller than the others. I found a canvas at home about the size of an A4...acrylics and maybe 2 hours start to finish. Had alot of fun just doodling away and liked how it ended up....do you?
More updates soon

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Major update!!!

Where I am now...Step 5
Step 4
Step 3
Step 2
Step 1

This is what happened to the "smoke 'em" sketch I was playing around with.
Talk about changing my mind while working on it...might even go through more changes before its done. Unfortunately the "final" whole picture I took was a bad photo so there's just the close up for now...so it goes from "Dude in Suit with sword" to "Dude in Suit with shorter hair and 2 guns" :)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Smoke 'em

Should post this one too...
Just the pencils of...a smoker....not sure what he's gonna be doing....
This is a closeup of maybe 1/8 of the canvas....lots of room for action/somber contemplation/the evil eye....or whatever it turns out to be...
Hope you like...

Saint or Sinner

Did this in 5-6 hours the other night. Changed the face and now it's in between stages. So far it's all done with acrylics. Didn't like the look of his face so I put a wash over it and have plans to lower his jawline and well work on it until I like it :)
There are going to be alot of comicbook speach bubbles around him with small comments/prayers/thoughts from I guess humans...as he seems to semi-clearly be "not human"...more posts when I've worked more...